Hatha Flow

Monday Class 27. april
Flow and let go. After centering we warm up the spine and neck. Through out the class soft movement is invited into the poses incl. Cobra, Utkatasana and Lunge flow and Warrior flow to Half Moon pose and hipopeners as Malasana, Baddha Konasana, Upavista Konasana before forward fold. The class finish with Shavasana with Livas beautiful song to windchimes.
Level: 1 (mixed)
Props: 2 blocks (nice to have)
Teacher: Liva Mo
Time: 61 min

About change – everything passes. To be present with what is and let go of it again, through movement incl. side. and shoulder stretch, hip openers, core strength and balance poses. The class finish with Shavasana with Livas beautiful song to windchimes.
Level: 1 (mixed)
Props: 2 blocks (nice to have)
Teacher: Liva Mo
Time: 61 min

‘Stay open – to what is ‘.
Notice the space that is available. . Warming up the hips and front body to come in to balanceposes and standing poses in new pathways being with what is and moving with the maybe unfamiliar transitions. We use the body to twist in several sitting poses to bring more space in to the body. The class finish with Shavasana. Level:1-2
Props : 2 blocks good to have
Teacher: Cedric Gorinas
Time: 55 min

A hatha class weaving the poses together but also letting you know them deeper. From downward facing dog to warrior flow including warior 2 , parvakonasana, skandasana, sideplank, ardha chandrasana .
Level I
Equipment: 2 blocks (nice to have)
Teacher: Caroline Pourcelot
Time: 62 min

Awareness on core connection and lengthening. Yoga for the spine with a lot of streching and strengthening.
Level I
Teacher: Ania Lenz
Time: 80 min

Warming up the front body and hips.
Warrior flow sequence – stretching, lengthening and twisting. Working strength and stability.
Mixed level
Teacher: Caroline Pourcelot
Time: 67 min

Slow hatha flow with strength (english)
Introducing spinal movement, and focusing on awareness connecting to your back body, the spine, hips and shoulders – a soft flow including strength.
Mixed level
Teacher: Caroline Pourcelot
Time: 69 min
Hatha Yoga

Monday class, May 5
The class starts with centering and breath, warm up of hips, hamstrings, sidebody and shoulders, seated and on the knees incl. Sukasana, Paschimotanasana, Anjaneyasana, Runner stretch. Then standing balance variation of Tree pose and more hip openers. The class finish with Shavasana with Livas beautiful song to windchimes.
Level: 1
Props: 1-2 blocks, 1 blanket
Teacher: Liva Mo
Time: 59 min

Monday class, May 3
Sidestretching and hipopeners.
We open the upperbody by stretching and moving the spine, sidebody and the shoulders incl. Anahatanasana, Anjaneyasana, Twist, Gatepose, Malasana and the Yin sidestretch ansana ‘Cat pulling its tail’. We finish with a lovely guided Shavasana
Level: 1
Props: 2 blocks (good to have)
Teacher: Ania Lenz
Time: 69 min

Saturday class, May 1
Focus in on Psoas, Stretch and Balanceposes – to invite freedom. We work with Psoas to create space in the body. The class incl. Utkatasana work, Gatepose, Lunges, Twist, Parsvotanasana, Shalambhasana, shoulderstretch, the yinpose ‘Cat pulling its tail’ and balanceposes Treepose and Garudasana, Warrior 3. The class finish with a guided Shavasana.
Level: 1
Props: 2 blocks (good to have)
Teacher: Ania Lenz
Time: 87 min

Wednesday class, April 28
In this class we move slowly through twist and hip openers to make space and awareness. We start with centering and a gentle warm up incl. shoulder stretch, hip openers and hamstring and thigh stretch before resting and grounding in the restorative poses Supported Twist and Supta Baddha Konasana. The class finish with Shavasana with Livas song to windchimes.
Level: 1
Props: 1 yogabolster, 2 blocks
Teacher: Liva Mo
Time: 60 min

Monday class, April 26
Focus is on ‘leg stretching and connection’
Starting supine with a hipopener with strap stretching the hamstrings. Continuing stretching legs opening hips and grounding in poses as Trikonasana, Warrior 2, Half moon pose and Garudasana incl. seated pigeon and twist. Practice finish with a grounding guided Shavasana.
Level: 1
Props: 2 blocks, 1 strap
Teacher: Ania Lenz
Time: 68 min

Saturday class, April 24
‘Stability, Center and Balance’. We warm up the neck, shoulders, sidebody, spine and hips. We strengthen and feel the center with core work and introduce the hug in principle in a new way to create space and find stabilty in Lunge, Humble warrior, Trikonasana and in different balance poses as Half Moon, Warrior 3, Tree and the dancers pose before a guided Shavasana.
Level: 1-2 mixed
Props: 2 blocks,
Teacher: Ania Lenz
Time: 89 min

Wednesday class, April 21
Resting and being through stretching and movement.
A Hatha class, that invites your attention ‘home’ by spacegiving stretching of sidebody, hips, hamstring and by free spinal movement. In Tree pose balance and connection is felt and the energy that flows. Resting on blocks to relax the neck before Shavasana with southing sounds.
Level: 1
Props: 2 blocks and 1 blanket
Teacher: Liva Mo
Time: 62 min

Monday class April 19
A class with much attention on opening the shoulders, neck and upper back. With different (a new) exercises the shoulders, neck and back is mobilized, strengthened and stretched as well as core-strength is practised to stabilize the body. The class finish with a Shavasana to windchimes.
Level: all
Props: 2 blocks or a blanket
Teacher: Ania Lenz
Time: 87 min

Saturday class April 17
In this class we are focus on getting movement into the body, especially the upper back. Its an invitation to move, strengthen and stretch the back, the shoulder and neck area. The stability and mobility it creates we will take into the practice of balancing poses. The class finish with a guided Shavasana
Level: 1-2 mixed
Props: 2 blocks (good to have)
Teacher: Ania Lenz
Time: 87 min

Wednesday class, April 14
Creating space (outside as well as inside) to feel good is also a part of our yoga practice, to make space for the body and the mind. This class will give you time to feel and adjust in the yogaposes. A quiet practice that finish with Shavasana with Livas song to windchimes.
Level: 1
Props: 1 yogabolster or 2 blocks and a blanket
Teacher: Liva Mo
Time: 60 min

Monday class April 12
Åbning af skuldre og topryg. En yogatime hvor vi har fokus på at åbne, bevæge og strække skuldre, topryg og sidekroppe i både siddende og stående stillinger. En klasse der kommer hele vejen rundt i kroppen og slutter af med Shavasana til vindklokkespil .
Level: mixed
Props: 2 blocks
Teacher: Ania Lenz
Time: 68 min

Saturday class April 10′
‘To let the light in – Spring energi’.
Starting with a shoulder/ heart opener and continue in the path of finding space by moving, stabilising, strengthen and stretching shoulders, sidebody and ‘spine. Corework for stability which we explore further in balancing poses. Finishing with rest in Dearpose and a guided Shavasana.
Level: mixed
Props: 2 blocks
Teacher: Ania Lenz
Time: 90 min

Wednesday class April 7
A quiet class, that invites time to just be, beginning with centering and breath, supine stretching with help of a strap for hip, hamstring and shoulders. A couple of stretching poses from dog, before resting in supported childspose, a heartopening pose resting on blocks and a beautiful Shavasana with Livas song to windchimes.
Level: 1
Props: 2 blocks, 1 yogabolster, 1 strap
Teacher: Liva Mo
Time: 62 min

Monday class April 5
Inviting movement, opening, strength (core) and stretch of especially the shoulders, spine and hips incl. humble- and warrior 3, sideplank, pigeon and sukhasana. The hamstrings will get an extra attention by a block exercise and you will have time for headstand or dolphine pose ending with a shavasana to windchimes.
Level: 1-2 mixed
Props: 2 blocks (or bolster)
Teacher: Ania Lenz
Time: 95 min

Wednesday class March 31
A gentle practice where focus is on the sidebody and spine/lower back. Todays class starts with a short meditation/ centering and invite you in different poses to stretch the sidebody and spine and open the hips in a gentle pace. This class finish with a shavasana with Livas beautiful singing to Windchimes.
Level: open to all
Props: 1 bolster and/or 1 block
Teacher: Liva Mo
Time: 60 min

Monday class March 29
‘Something for the upper back, core and hamstrings’ weaved to together in a lovely stretching and strengthening way and then add your inner (yoga) smile.
Level: 1 (+ strength)
Props: 2 blocks, 1 strap
Teacher: Ania Lenz
Time: 76 min

Saturday class March 27
To find balance and feel the center through stability and grounding. In the class we open the sidebody and build strength also in the meeting with different balance poses and hip openers.
Level: 1-2 (mixed level)
Props: 2 block
Teacher: Ania Lenz
Time: 80 min

Wednesday class March 24
To regain confidence and trust in the bigger picture.
A gentle class to create space in the body including hip openers, stretching , balance poses and core strength.
Level: all
Props: 1 block
Teacher: Liva Mo
Time: 60 min

Saturday class March 20
A class that focus on warming up for backbends, which area we need to be open to do Urdhva Dhanurasana which is attention around shoulder, upper- and sidebody but also hip openers.
Level: all
Props: 1-2 blocks, 1 strap
Teacher: Ania Lenz
Time: 86 min

Wednesday class March 17
Theme: to use the practice to bring clarity. Warming up spine and shoulder/neck seated and in standing postures, Sun Salutation A, Balance poses and hamstring stretch to prep for handstand or Uttanasana and variations of Bakasana, finish with restorative poses to relax shoulders and lower back incl. Shavasana.
Level: 1-2 mixed
Props: 1 bolster, evt 1-2 bloks or 1-2 blankets
Teacher: Cedric Gorinas
Time: 60 min

Wednesday class March 17
The class work with sidestreching, twist, balance and opening of the hips in several poses, seated as well as standing and finish with a ‘Shavasana’ i Supta Baddha Konasana to Livas beautiful song to windchimes.
Level: 1
Props: 1 bolster, good to have 1-2 blocks, 1 blankets
Teacher: Liva Mo
Time: 59 min

Monday class March 15
Strength and sidestretch.
The class include shoulder work, mermaid sidestretch, forearm plank pose, Gatepose, seated triang mukha eka pada, twisting in dearpose with bolster, The class finish with a lovely guided Shavasana.
Level: 1
Props: 1-2 bloks or blankets
Teacher: Ania Lenz
Time: 62 min

Saturday class March 13
Theme: presence (nærvær) and sidebody stretch The class include shoulder work, mermaid sidestretch, Anjaneyasasana, runners stretch, Gatepose, Trikonasana, Parsvakonasana, Skandasana, Malasana, Triang mukha eka pada paschimottanasana and Ustrasana. The class finish with a lovely guided Shavasana.
Level: 1
Props: 1-2 bloks or blankets
Teacher: Ania Lenz
Time: 84 min

Wednesday class March 10
Theme: presence and hipopeners
A gentle seated hatha yoga class where we introduce technic on how to open the hips in poses as Upavista Konasana, Sukhasana, Gomukhasana and Thread the needle hip variation. The class finish with Shavasana.
Level: 1
Props: 1 bolster, 1 strap, 1-2 blankets
Teacher: Cedric Gorinas
Time: 71 min

Wednesday class March 10
Mermaid side strecth, Triang Muka Eka Pada Pashimotanasana, warming up the spine and shoulders (cobra) ready for Ustrasana variations, Anjaneyasana and runners stretch
Ardha Gomukhasana variation and Supta Baddha Konasana. The Class finish with Shavasana with Liva singing to Windchimes.
Level: 1
Props: 1-2 blocks, 1 blanket
Teacher: Liva Mo
Time: 60 min

Monday class March 8
Everything good for the shoulder and neck. Focus is on creating movement in these areas by stretching, strenghtening and moving the body.
Level: 1
Props: 2 blocks, 1 bolster
Teacher: Ania Lenz
Time: 68 min

Saturday class March 6
Starting supine (lying down) to open the hips for experiencing later the effect in poses as Trikonansa, Ardha chandrasana, Natarajasana. The class finish with grounding in sitting postures and a lovely guided Shavasana.
Level: 1-2 mixed
Props: 1 strap, 2 blocks
Teacher: Ania Lenz
Time: 85 min

Wednesday class March 3
Hip Openers and Balance.
Starting with centering to continue lying on the back using a strap to open the hip. Including balance poses in variations as Utthita Hastasana and kriger 3, then goddess pose, Pigeon, Upavistha Konasana, Baddha Konasana. The class finish with Shavasana with Liva sining to windchimes.
Level: 1
Props: 1 strap
Teacher: Liva Mo
Time: 61 min

Saturday class Feb. 27
Yoga for the spine. A dynamic hatha class, where we stretch the sidebody, strenghten and stretch the Psoas muscle to help elongate the spine. You will breath in poses as cobra, Lunge, Anjaneyasana, Humble Warrior, Warrior 3 and Tree pose. The practice finish on your back (Supine) with hip stretching and twist and a lovely Shavasana with Windchimes.
Level: 1-2 (mixed)
Props: 2 blocks,1 strap
Teacher: Ania Lenz
Time: 87 min

Wednesday class Feb. 24
Gentle Hatha Yoga with focus on relaxing the shoulders, neck and jaw. Juicy slow movement and stretch of the spine and shoulders in poses as Utkatasana and Anjaneyasana. The class finish lying in Supta Badha Konanasa with blocks to relax the heart area, jaw and hips. Form here we move in to Shavasana with Livas singing to windchimes.
Level: 1 (gentle)
Props: 2 blocks – 1 blanket
Teacher: Liva Mo
Time: 59 min

Monday class Feb. 22
In this class we work with strength and stability in different poses as Sfinx, Plank poses, Lunges, Humble Warrior, Sukhasana. The class finish with a lovely guided Shavasana.
Level: 1 (strength)
Teacher: Ania Lenz
Time: 65 min

Thursday class Feb. 18
A gentle hatha class with breathwork, thread the needle, Sphinx, Cobra. Anjaneyasana, Runners stretch, Tree pose, Janu Sirshasana, Supta Ardha Ananda Balasana and Sukhasana. Shavasana with windchimes.
Props: 1 belt, 2 blocks
Level: 1
Teacher: Ania Lenz
Time: 81 min

Hatha yoga (danish)
‘To ride the green wave ‘
Wednesday class Feb 17.
About seeing oneself with gentle eyes. A slow pace class with Anjaneyasana, runners stretch, Tree pose, Sukhasana and Supta Baddha Konasana. Shavasana is with beautiful singing to windchimes.
Props: 1 bolster , 2 blocks
Level: 1
Teacher: Liva Mo
Time: 56 min

Monday class feb 15.
A gentle hatha class with focus on the hips. This class include core awareness /strength, warming up the spine and a longer lying down sequence for the hips, inner and outer, then opening the sidebody to continue with a variation of Sun Salutation.Grounding by sitting forward folds and a guidet Shavasana.
Props: 1 belt, 1 bolster or blanket
Level: 1 (all)
Teacher: Ania Lenz
Time: 66 min

Hatha yoga (danish)
‘To let the light in ‘
Saturday class feb 13.
Awareness on breath and energy. A class for opening the heart and hips. Including core work, shoulder stretch, cobra, down dog variations, lunges, pigeon and warriors.
Props: 2 blocks is nice to have
Level: mixed
Teacher: Ania Lenz
Time: 85 min

Wednesday class feb 10.
In this practice we ‘wake up’ the body slowly . Focus is on the hips. Calm yoga with a hint of strength. A great class for waking up the body in the morning or after a long day, to you find your way back to yourself.
Props: 1 block nice to have
Level I – all
Teacher: Liva Mo
Time: 61 min

Monday class feb 8.
Yoga for the spine, hips and shoulders – especially your upper back will love this class.
Level I – all
Teacher: Ania Lenz
Time: 67 min

A gentle practice for shoulders, neck and hips. We start by warming up shoulder and neck and continue with the hips in a lying down sequence. From poses on the knee practice also include down dog, lounge, thigh stretch, cobra, sukasana and tucked toe. Practice finish with Shavasana with Liva singing.
Level I
Teacher: Liva Mo
Time: 60 min

Start your day with core strength and awareness, shoulder – and hip stretch, Sun Salutations, Malasana, Side streching and Forward fold. Shavasana to windchimes.
Level I
Teacher: Ania Lenz
Time: 71 min

A gentle hatha class to let you feel yourself in the poses more than working hard in them and just breathe. Including kneeposes as cat/cow, soft streching and strenghening, pigeon and shoulderwork and a few standing asanas. The class ends with Shavasana /relaxation with Liva singing. Enjoy
Props: nice to have 1 blanket+ 1 blocks
Level I
Teacher: Liva Mo
Time: 62 min

Soft strength and stretching in yogaposes. A practice to help you feel renewed in your body.
Props: nice to have 1 blanket+ 2 blocks
Level I
Teacher: Ania Lenz
Time: 68 min
Vinyasa Yoga

Tuesday class May 4
We start in childspose, warm up hips, sidebody and spine. Continue with Sun Salutation A and a flow weaving together classic standing asana as Trikonasana Warrior 2 and Half moon pose, including Lizard and thigh stretching.We repeat the flow a couple of times to get deeper and finish with some grounding stretching and a short Shavasana.
Level: 1-2 mixed
Props: 2 blocks
Teacher: Caroline Pourcelot
Time: 54 min

Monday class May 3
Element: Water. To create a feeling of flow and connectedness. Starting with a short meditation and warm up of sidebody and spine with fluid movements in utkatasana, forward fold roll, Psoas activation, shoulder stretch, hip openers and plank variations incl. Wild thing’. The class finish with Shavasana to Livas beautiful song to windchimes.
Level: 1-2 mixed
Props: 2 blocks
Teacher: Liva Mo
Time: 61 min

Sunday class May 2
The repetition creates natural contemplation and opportunities. Focus is how to stay with the connection while moving between poses. Vinyasa means ‘to place in a special way’. We warm up and move in sequences with lunges, twists and plank poses, balance, and hipopeners with different variations, finishing off with a lovely guided Shavasana.
Level: 1-2 mixed
Props: 1 strap, 2 blocks
Teacher: Ania Lenz
Time: 98 min

Friday class April 30
‘Being aligned with yourself’. After centering we move into a gentle warm up of sidebody, shoulders and the spine, continuing into a lunge flow incl. Anjaneyasana, Lunge, Warrior 2 , Parsvakonasana, Utkatasana, repeating with more deep variations as twisting, Ardha Chandrasana, Chapasana, Dansers pose. The class finish with a short Shavasana.
Level: 1-2 mixed
Props: 2 blocks
Teacher: Caroline Pourcelot
Time: 63 min

Tuesday class April 27
The class starts with centering , continue with warming up the spine, the back, the shoulders, neck, hips to come more into weight bearing asanas. Coming into a lunge flow, opening the hips, twisting and moving into different balance options as Plank pose, Ardha Chandrasana, Chapasana, Standing split. Finishing with some stretching and a short Shavasana
Level: 1-2 mixed
Props: 2 blocks
Teacher: Caroline Pourcelot
Time: 56 min

Sunday class April 25
Practice start resting in Supta Baddha Konasana to ground and release. From here thorough warming up shoulders, sidebody, chest and hips before a flow of Sun Salutations A and variations of B incl. humble warrior, thigh stretch, Pigeon and Ustrasana. The class finish with Shavasana to Windchimes.
Level: 1-2 mixed
Props: 1 yogabolster, 2 blocks
Teacher: Ania Lenz
Time: 86 min

Friday class April 23
Heart opener on blocks, twisting, warming up the spine to get ready for a vinyasa flow with standing postures as Trikonasana, sideangle pose, Warrior 2, repeating and advancing into options with binding and balance poses as Garudasana, Warrior 3, Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana, Tree pose and ‘Wild thing’ before some grounding stretching incl. Pigeon.
Level: 1-2 mixed
Props: 2 blocks
Teacher: Caroline Pourcelot
Time: 62 min

Tuesday class April 20
Short meditation for grounding, warming up the shoulders, sidebody and spine before Sun Salutation A, a standing pose flow with lunge, anjaneyasana, runners stretch and plank pose, advancing it into variations as Warrior 3, Ardha Chandrasana, Trikonasana and Chapasana Some grounding seated and supine stretching before a short Shavasana.
Level: 1-2 mixed
Props: 2 blocks
Teacher: Caroline Pourcelot
Time: 55 min

Monday class April 19
‘Soft wavy movements’. From soft undulating (curvy, wavy) movement in poses as childspose, Cobra, Utkatasana and Half Sun Salutations to more intensity in poses as utthita padangusthasana, Virabradrasana 3+2 and Ardha Chandrasana. The class finish with stretching and Shavansa to Livas beautiful voice to Windchimes.
Level: 1-2 mixed
Props: 2 blocks
Teacher: Liva Mo
Time: 60 min

Sunday class April 18
Focus is on the breath and to be aware in the poses as a gateway to the body through breathwork, balanceposes, hipopeners, shoulder/neck stretch and stability work. The class finish with a lovely grounding guided Shavasana (relaxation)
Level: 1-2 mixed
Props: 2 blocks
Teacher: Ania Lenz
Time: 91 min

Friday class April 16
Starting with a short grounding meditation, warming up the spine, sidebody, hip and thigh. A repeating standing pose flow incl. Utkatasana, lunges, sideangle pose, warriors, Vasistasana variations and forward fold prepping for advancing into Half Moon pose and ‘Wild thing’ variations. The class finish with som stretching and a short Shavansa.
Level: 1-2 mixed
Props: 2 blocks
Teacher: Caroline Pourcelot
Time: 58 min

Tuesday class, April 13
All level class with variations. Warming up with stretch for the shoulders and back, continuing with Sun Salutation A+B. Padangusthasana, a flow where Lunges, Twist, Warrior 3, Garudasana, Pigeon, and Mermaid pose is weaved together in new and interesting way.s The class finish with some stretching and a short Shavasana.
Level: 1-2 mixed
Props: 2 blocks
Teacher: Caroline Pourcelot
Time: 56 min

Sunday class April 11
In this class we will work on opening through a flow that weave strength (core) and stretching especially around the shoulders, sidebody and hips into the sequence to refind the balance in warrior 3 and go for full expansion in Urdhva Dhanurasana (bridge pose). The class finish with a guided grounding Shavasana.
Level: 1-2 mixed
Props: 2 blocks
Teacher: Ania Lenz
Time: 89 min

Friday class, April 9
‘Being balanced and open’
Heart opener with blocks , warming up the spine, hips and shoulders before 3 Sun Salutation A. A repeating standing poses flow with lunges, sideangle, half moon, and forward folds extending into thigh- and hip stretch and warrior 3. The class finish with some stretching and a short Shavasana.
Level: 1-2 mixed
Props: 2 blocks
Teacher: Caroline Pourcelot
Time: 61 min

Tuesday class April 6
Starting with a short grounding meditation, warming up the spine, sidebody, hips and thighs. A repeating standing pose flow incl Utkatasana, lunges, sideangle pose, warriors, Vasistasana variations and forward fold prepping for advancing into Half Moon pose and ‘Wild thing’ variations. The class finish with som stretching and a short Shavansa.
Level: 1-2 mixed
Props: 2 blocks
Teacher: Caroline Pourcelot
Time: 58 min

Friday class April 2
A short meditation for centering, moving the spine and finding core strength, stretching the hips and shoulders , before some rounds of Sun Salutation A. A flow of standing poses as lunge, warrior 2, trikonasana with balance variations as Warrior 3, Half Moon, Dansers pose. The class finish with som seated stretching before a short Shavasana.
Level: 1-2 mixed
Props: 2 blocks
Teacher: Caroline Pourcelot
Time: 57 min

Tuesday class March 30
Warming up shoulders, sidebody and upper back before Sun Salutation. A standing pose flow including plankpose, lounges, Trikonasana, Ardha Chandrasana, warrior poses, thigh stretch. Grounding and stretching with pigeon pose and twists before a short Shavasana.
Level: 1-2 mixed
Props: 2 blocks
Teacher: Caroline Pourcelot
Time: 59 min

Monday class March 29
An all round practice with a bit of strength. Warming up the spine, hips and hamstrings, including lounges, twist, balance poses, Dhanurasana and Mermaid pose. Practice finish with Shavasana with Livas beautiful song to Windchimes.
Level: 1-2 mixed
Teacher: Liva Mo
Time: 62 min

Sunday class March 28
A vinyasa flow with focus on strength as well as grounding and stretching including standing and seated postures, balancing poses, hipopeners and armbalance options. An all round flow including a guidet Shavasana.
Level: 1-2 mixed
Props: 2 blocks
Teacher: Ania Lenz
Time: 88 min

Friday class March 26
A very nice all round in the body flow with a lot of vinyasa. Centering, warming up the spine and sidebody, Sun Salutation A, A standing pose flow with warriors, lunges, twist progressing towards ‘Wild thing’ and Revolved half moon pose.
Level: 1-2 mixed
Props: 1 block
Teacher: Caroline Pourcelot
Time: 60 min

Tuesday class March 23
Vinyasa med Caroline (english)
After grounding, shoulder, spine and hip warm up we continue with a flow of classical standing postures with twists including lunges. warriors, Trikonasana, Half moon, Prasarita Padottanasana and pigeon and releasing/ grounding with supine twist before a short Shavasana.
Level: 1-2 mixed
Props: 1-2 blocks
Teacher: Caroline Pourcelot
Time: 50 min

Monday class March 22
Spring Solstice – inviting the light and the Sun (heat) into the practice. The class stretch and warm up the body especially the shoulders, the spine and hips. You will practice strength (heat) as well as hip- and frontbody ‘openers’ before a beautiful Shavasana with Liva singing to Windchimes
Level: 1-2 mixed
Teacher: Liva Mo
Time: 60 min

Sunday class March 21
Warming up for Urdhva Dhanurasana (brug).
What muscles do we also need to stretch to be open enough? With that in mind the class focus on opening the upper back, shoulders and sidebody weaved together in a strengthening vinyasa flow
Level: 1-2 mixed
Props: 2 blocks
Teacher: Ania Lenz
Time: 88 min

Friday class March 19
The class starts with a short meditation , warming up the wrists, spine, hips before Sun Salutation A. The vinyasa flow includes core strength, Falling Triangle, Wild thing, Hip and Thigh stretch, Parsvottanasana and revolved Half Moon pose.
Level: 1-2 mixed
Props: 1 block
Teacher: Caroline Pourcelot
Time: 60 min

Tuesday class March 16
A energetical flow where you are ginvited to open, fold and twist – move in all directions. We start this class with warming up the spine, shoulders and sidebody to Sun Salutations working strength in Plank, Chaturanga , Bakasana (crow pose) and standing postures; opening the shoulders in Warrior 1 to bind options in Warrior 2, seated hip openers. This class will get you in shape!
Level: 1-2 mixed
Teacher: Caroline Pourcelot
Time: 54 min

Monday class March 15
A class to help your mondays mood. Centering, warming up the shoulders amnd spine. A flow with Sun Salutations, and wariors and coming into warrior 3 and Ardha Chandrasasana from different poses working balance, hip and hamstring stretch.
The class finish with a lovely Shavasana with Liva singing to windchimes.
Level: 1-2 mixed
Props: 1-2 blocks good to have
Teacher: Liva Mo
Time: 79 min

Sunday class March 14
Warming up the shoulders, spine and sidebody to continue with Sun Salutations, Trikonasana, Ardha Chandrasasana, Balance poses as Warrior 3, Tree pose, Garudasana (Eagle), Utthita padangusthasana, Planken , Wild thing Prep , Ustrasana. The class finish with Sukhasana or Supine twist before a lovely guidet Shavasana.
Level: 1-2 mixed
Props: 1-2 blocks good to have
Teacher: Ania Lenz
Time: 79 min

Friday class March 12
Warming up the spine with Cat and cow pose, Sun Salutation A and Utkatasana. A standing flow sequence including variations with poses as Trikonasana , Parsvakonasana, Parsvottanasana, Lunge twist , Skandasana, Warriors, Pigeon. Wild thing and Brigdepose. The class finish with a short Shavasana.
Level: 1-2 mixed
Props: 1-2 blocks good to have
Teacher: Caroline Pourcelot
Time: 60 min

Tuesday class march 9
Warming up the spine and hips before Sun Salutation A. A flow with lunge with twist, Anjaneyasana and runners stretch and plank pose. Including Trikonasana and Parsvakonasana with binding, Peakpose standing split and bridgepose/ Urdhva Dhanurasana and a short Shavasana.
Level: 1-2 mixed
Props: 1-2 blocks good to have
Teacher: Caroline Pourcelot
Time: 60 min

Monday class march 8
Twisting. Warming up the spine, sidebody and shoulders and continuing with standing postures as lunge- , utkatasana- , utthita hastasana all with twist. Including Revolved half moon and pigeon with thigh stretch. The class finish with Shavasana with Livas singing to windchimes.
Level: 1-2 mixed
Props: 1-2 blocks good to have
Teacher: Liva Mo
Time: 61 min

Sunday class march 7
Hipopeners and hamstring stretch. We start supine to open the hips and continue with a flow of Sun Salutations and variations of Trikonasana , Utthita Hastasana, Warrior 3, lunge with twist, plank, parsvottanasana , Natarajasana (the dancer). The class finish with sukhasana. twisting and Shavasana to windchimes .
Level: 1-2 mixed
Props: 1 strap, 2 block
Teacher: Ania Lenz
Time: 86 min

Friday class march 5
Warming up the spine , shoulders and hips, continuing with Sun Salutations, Padangusthasana and Padahasthana. A flow with standing postures as Trikonasana. Warrior 1 , parivrtta trikonasana, Revolved Ardha Chandrasana, Treepose, Parivrtta Hasta Padangusthasana. Grounding with seated twist and hip opener, and a short Shavasana
Level: 1-2 mixed
Props: 1-2 block is nice to have
Teacher: Caroline Pourcelot
Time: 61 min

Tuesday class march 2
Warming up the spine. Sun Salutation A, then a standing flow of Anjaneyasana, runners stretch, lunge, Warrior 3, 2 and reversed and parsvakonasana. Including variations of Natarajasana and Ardha Chadra chapasana. Finishing supine with hip stretch and twist and a short Shavasana.
Level: 1-2 mixed
Props: 2 block is nice to have
Teacher: Caroline Pourcelot
Time: 62 min

Monday class march 1
We start by centering, a short meditation. Then you will stretch and open the sidebody and shoulders in several poses with some movement and ‘slide into’ hipopeners as Malasana, Sukhasana, Pigeon and Happy Baby.The class finish with Shavasana to Livas beautiful singing to windchimes.
Level: 1
Teacher: Liva Mo
Time: 62 min

Sunday class feb 28
Hip openers and armbalance (option). Flow with Utkatasana, Anjaneyasana, Lunges, Humble warrior, Warrior 3, Pigeon, Bakasana. We open the hips to prep for flying pigeon prep (Eka Pada Galavasana). The Class finish with a lovely guided Shavasana.
Props : 2 blocks, 1 strap
Level: 1-2 mixed
Teacher: Ania Lenz
Time: 85 min

Friday class feb 26
A lovely flow of Utthita Trikonasana, Ardha Chandrasana. Vibradrasana 3, twist – repeating with slight variations increasing the level. Grounding with Pigeon, Ardha Matsyendrasana and Gomukhasana followed by a short Shavasana.
Props : 2 blocks nice to have.
Level: 1-2 mixed
Teacher: Caroline Pourcelot
Time: 57 min

Tuesday class feb 23
A flow of classic standing postures as Trikonasana, Parsvakonasana, Pavotanasana, Prasarita Padottanasana with twist and different variations. Finish with ‘Wild thing’ and twist and a short Shavasana.
Props : 2 blocks nice to have.
Level: 1-2 mixed
Teacher: Caroline Pourcelot
Time: 55 min

Vinyasa flow (danish)
Go With the Flow
Monday class feb 22.
The water element is invited in through poses as Janu Shirsana, Warrior flows, Goddess pose, Skandasana, Gomukhasana Shirsana (Headstand). Balance and hipopeners is the practice. The class finish with Shavasana with Liva beautiful playing windchimes with singing.
Level: 1-2 mixed
Teacher: Liva Mo
Time: 61 min

Sunday class feb 21.
Spring is coming and the energy is rising. Through core work, Sun Salutation, Lunge variations, Handstand prep., Malasana, Tree pose, Garudasana and Ustrasana we get reminded about our own strength, stability and possibility. The class finish with a lovely guided Shavasana.
Props: 2 blocks
Level: 1-2 mixed
Teacher: Ania Lenz
Time: 81 min

Friday class feb 19.
Focus is on the shoulders.
A vinyasa flow including poses af crescent , eagle pose, twist and plank, ustrasana and Sarvangasana (shoulderstand)
Props: 1 block -good to have
Level: 1-2 mixed
Teacher: Caroline Pourcelot
Time: 60 min

Tuesday class feb 16.
Heartopener to prepare for Sun Salutation A, Padangusthasana, a vinyasa flow with a standing classic poses of Warriors and Trikonasana variations, side plank, anjaneyasana, half hanumanasana, thigh stretch. Repeating the flow, Pigeon, Sitting postures, Bridgepose / Urdhva Dhanurasana .
Props: 2 blocks
Level: 1-2 mixed
Teacher: Caroline Pourcelot
Time: 59 min

Vinyasa flow (danish)
‘Like a cone of light full of love’
Monday class Feb 15
By slow transitions you get invited to feel and work with the creative energy in lunge variations, twist, balance poses, Anjaneyasana, Runners stretch, Pigeon and Gomukhasana (Eaglepose). The class finish with Shavansa (relaxation) to Livas beautiful song to windchimes.
Level: 1-2 mixed
Teacher: Liva Mo
Time: 62 min

Sunday class Feb 14
Theme: To give and to receive light
Sun Salutations, Anjaneyasana, Runnes stretch and hip openers, balance variations as Warrior 3 , Tree pose, Humble Warrior, Garudasana (Eagle pose), Sitting posture, Supine twist and a Shavasana with windchimes.
Level: 1-2 mixed
Teacher: Ania Lenz
Time: 84 min

Friday class feb 12.
A repeating flow of wellknown standing postures as warrior 1-3, Utthita parsvakonasa and Trikonasana, Prasarita Padottanasana, Ardha Chandrasana, Pigeon, Dhanurasana (Bow pose).
Props: 2 blocks (good to have)
Level: 1-2 mixed
Teacher: Caroline Pourcelot
Time: 63 min

Tuesday class feb 9.
An alround vinyasa flow for streching and strengthening your hamstrings
Props: 2 blocks (good to have)
Level: mixed
Teacher: Caroline Pourcelot
Time: 60 min

Monday class feb 8.
A lot of hip openers and hamstring stretch in a fun and challenging way where you get to go work deeper into your yogaposes. A beautiful warm up for peakpose Hanumanasana. This class will leave you smiling.
The practice finish with a lovely Shavasana to Livas song to Windchimes.
Props: 2 block
Level: 1-2 (mixed)
Teacher: Liva Mo
Time: 61 min

Sunday class feb 9.
A sequence with variations of Sun Salutations, Utkatasana, Trikonasana ,Ardha Chandrasana, hamstring- and thigh stretch before Natarajasana ( the dancer) and Warrior 3. Our Practice finish with a lovely guidet Shavasana (relaxation)
Props: 1 block
Level: 1-2 (mixed)
Teacher: Ania Lenz
Time: 85 min

Saturday class, feb 6
Sun Salutation A, a repeating flow of standing poses including Trikonasana Parsvakonasana, Ardha chandrasana, Parsvottanasana, Anjanayasana. Peaking with Falling triangle pose, Wild thing and backbending options as Urdhva Dhanurasana (Wheelpose). Practice finish with a short Shavasana.
Props: 1 block ( nice to have)
Level: 1-2 (mixed)
Teacher: Caroline Pourcelot
Time: 60 min

Spring cleaning – Imbolc.
Midwinter and the feeling of the light is coming is the theme of this class. With half sun salutations, plank variations, balance poses, twist we feel where we are and what we need to get rid. An invitation of the light and spring cleaning. A playful class. The class ends with a short guided Shavasana (relaxation)
Level: 1-2 (mixed)
Teacher: Liva Mo
Time: 62 min

In this class we are moving to nourish the body and to feel good inside. Focus on building strength and flexibility around the shoulders, hips and the spine with Cobra, Plank poses, Sun Salutations, Humble warrior, Lounges, Twist and a sitting sequence for the hamstrings, outer hip and sidebody. The class ends with guided Shavasana (relaxation)
Level: 1-2 (mixed)
Teacher: Ania Lenz
Time: 84 min

Spread your wings and let go.
A strengthening and liberating flow with Liva.
Including cobra, lounges, warrior sequence, side planks and goddess pose. A class that will leave you with a smile and great feeling in the body. .
The practice ends with shavasana with Livas beautiful singing.
Teacher: Liva Mo
Time: 62 min
Yin Yoga

Tuesday Class, May 4
Sequence: Centering, Reclined butterfly (windshield wiper as rebound), Sleeping swan – Half Butterfly – Shoelace, Melting Heart pose, Gentle Twist, Pentacle
Level: for all
Props: 1 bolster, 2 blocks, 1 strap
Teacher: Caroline Pourcelot
Time: 58 min

Tuesday Class, April 27
Sequence: Sfinx, Seal (childpose is rebound), Dragon pose with props, Squarepose (agnistambhasana), Cat pulling its tail, Supported bridge, Gentle twist, Pentacle (Shavasana)
Level: for all
Props: 1 bolster, 2 blocks, 1 blanket
Teacher: Caroline Pourcelot
Time: 57 min

Tuesday Class, April 20
Sequence: Grounding, Sfinx, Seal, Half frog as rebound, Swanpose – shoelace with twist, side stretch and forward fold one side then repeat other side, Reclined butterfly, Dear pose, Pentacle (Shavasana)
Level: for all
Props: 1 bolster, 2 blocks
Teacher: Caroline Pourcelot
Time: 53 min

Tuesday Class, April 13
Sequence: Meditation, Toe tucked, Thunderbolt pose, Dear pose, Half Butterfly (bladder) Reclined Butterfly, Swan pose, Bananasana, Pentacle
Level: for all
Props: 1 bolster, 2 blocks
Teacher: Caroline Pourcelot
Time: 60 min

Yin Yoga (english)
Tuesday Class, April 6
Yin for Shoulder + hips
Sequence: Fascia neck release, Childpose cuddle arms, Shoulder stretch, Anahatanasana, Shoelace, Snail pose (plow), Heart opener (block or bolster), Dear pose ,Pentacle (Shavasana)
Level: all
Props: 1 bolster, 2 blocks
Teacher: Caroline Pourcelot
Time: 56 min

Tuesday Class, March 30
Sequence: Down Dog – Dangling, Childspose, Butterfly (Meridian; Kidney, Bladder, Liver), Heart Opener with blocks, Dragon pose – 2 variations Swanpose (activating Liver, Kidney) + Shoelace (Meridian: Stomach, Spleen), Supine twist, Pentacle
Level: for all
Props: 1 bolster, 2 blocks
Teacher: Caroline Pourcelot
Time: 58 min

Yin Yoga (english)
Tuesday Class, March 23
Last yin practice of the winther (water element).
Meridian: Kidney (yin) Bladder (yang – action) Sequence excl rebound poses Sfinx, Half Butterfly, Half Saddle, Caterpillar, Double Stirrup, Twisted Roots, Supported Bridge, Pentacle (Shavasana)
Props: 1 bolster, 1 Strap, 1 blanket, 2 blocks
Level : all
Teacher: Caroline Pourcelot
Time: 53 min

Tuesday Class, March 16
Sequence for the shoulders wrist and hips: Childpose, Anahatanasana, Sfinx /Seal, Half frog pose Half Shoelace with bind (Gomukhasana arm) + twist, rebound windshield wiper Butterfly, rebound Shavasana Dragonfly with Bolster IT Band stretch with a strap Snail pose (Bolster) Bridgepose Half Stirrup Pentacle
Props: 1 bolster, 1 Strap, 1 blanket, 2 blocks good to have
Level : all
Teacher: Caroline Pourcelot
Time: 57 min

Tuesday Class, March 9
Sequence ex rebound poses: Sfinx /Seal, Caterpillar, Half Saddle, Dragon, Anahatasana, Frog, Dragonfly, Dear pose and Pentacle. A lovely grounding practice – enjoy.
Props: 1 bolster, 2 blocks
Level : all
Teacher: Caroline Pourcelot
Time: 56 min

Tuesday Class, March 2
Sequence: Supta Baddha Konasana, rebound is windshield wiper 4 poses one side the other side : Sleeping Swan, Half Butterfly, Shoelace, and with twist . Anahatasana, Half Saddle. Supine twist. Pentacle . A very lovely calming sequence – enjoy.
Props: 1 bolster, 2 blocks, 1 strap
Level : all
Teacher: Caroline Pourcelot
Time: 58 min

Tuesday Class, feb 23
This beautiful yin class will help to relax after a long day (or anytime).
Sequence: Butterfly, Half Stirrup, then Dear pose and Swan one side, repeat other side. Caterpillar, Mermaid pose. A heart opener with blocks. Pentacle.
Props: 1 bolster, 2 blocks, 1 strap
Level : all
Teacher: Caroline Pourcelot
Time: 57 min

Tuesday Class, feb 16
Sequence: Sphinx, Seal pose, Dragon, 3 poses: Swan, Shoelace & Shoelace with a twist, repeating to the other side. Dragon fly, Windshield wiper, Supported Bridge, Pentacle.
Props: 1 bolster, 2 blocks, 1 blanket
Level : all
Teacher: Caroline Pourcelot
Time: 59 min

Tuesday Class, feb 9
We practice this yin sequence with rebound poses to feel the effect of the yin stretch in Reclined Butterfly, Half Butterfly, Cat strech, Mermaid side stretch, Halt Stirrup and Pentacle
Teacher: Caroline Pourcelot
Props: 1 bolster, 1 strap, 1 blanket
Time: 55 min

Saturday 6 feb
We practise this yin sequence with rebound poses to feel the effect of being in the yinposes. Sequence for the hips: Butterfly, Swanpose, Dragonfly, Thread the needle, Dearpose – and side stretch (like a banana shape). Pentacle (relaxation)
Teacher: Caroline Pourcelot
Props: 1 bolster, 2 blocks.
Time: 58 min

Working with the facias and meridians in among others; Sfinx, Half frog pose, Butterfly, Sleeping swan, and Yin fish
Teacher: Caroline Pourcelot
Equipment: 2 blocks , 1 bolster
Time: 56 min

Working with the facias and meridians.
Sfinx, Caterpillar, Half saddle pose, Dragon, Frog and Dear pose.
Teacher: Caroline Pourcelot
Equipment: 2 blocks , 1 bolster
Time: 60 min

Yin yoga with Caroline.
Sequence: Sfinx/Seal, Half Frog, Pigeon, Shoelace with twisting, Shoelace with sidestretch – rebound and repeat other side. Dear pose, Supta Baddha Konasana, Half Stirrup, Pentacle
Level: all
Props: 1 bolster, 2 blocks
Teacher: Caroline Pourcelot
Time: 60 min

Yin yoga with Caroline.
A gentle yin practice including sfinx, seal, dragon, shoelace, swanpose, and bridgepose. The class ending with twist and pentacle, a short shavasana
Teacher: Caroline Pourcelot
Props: 2 blocks , 1 bolster
Time: 62 min
Restorative Yoga

Mondays class April 12
A quiet restorative practice with focus on hip openers and just space for being. Including restorative poses as childspose, Upavista Konanasana, Sukhasana, Supta Badha Konasana and Shavasana with Livas beautiful song to windchimes. Enjoy
Props: 1 bolsters, 2-3 blankets, 2 blocks,
Level: all
Teacher: Liva Mo
Time: 62 min

Thursday class April 1
Warming up with gentle movement and synchronising with breath and some feet massage. Opening the chest in poses incl ‘heart opener’, Supta Badha Konasana and grounding in Janu Sirsana. Relaxation in Vipariti Karani (legs up the wall) to Windchimes.
Level: all
Props: 1 bolsters, 2-3 blankets, 2 blocks,
Teacher: Ania Lenz
Time: 87 min

Sunday class March 28
One word for space is Sunya, “the void” – one of the deeper, nested layers of consciousness. In this practice we invite space in between breath and rest in silence in the restorative poses, including Supta Basha Konasana, Childpose, Supported twist and Shavasana.
Props: 1 bolsters, 2-3 blankets, 2 blocks,
Level: all
Teacher: Cedric Gorinas
Time: 88 min

Sunday class March 21
This class will help you relax your lower back and calm your nervous system. Your hamstrings and Iskias will get some attention and we will rest in poses as Sfinx, Half frog, Supported Twist, Viparita Karani,
Props: 1 bolsters, 1-3 blankets, 2 blocks, 1 strap
Level: all
Teacher: Ania Lenz
Time: 77 min

Monday class March 15
This class will help you release your lower back and calm your nervous system. We will move and stretch the spine, relax psoas and the hips by supported restorative poses including dear pose and a lovely guidet Shavasana.
Props: 1 bolsters, 2 blankets, 2 bloks
Level: all
Teacher: Ania Lenz
Time: 64 min

Gentle yoga with restorative poses
Theme: Gratefulness – to be touch. To allow more than to do.
Restorative nurturing poses and gentle yoga for shoulder, spine and hips. The class finish with Shavasana.
Props: 1 bolsters, 2 blocks, 2 blankets
Level: all
Teacher: Cedric Gorinas
Time: 73 min

Gentle yoga to make space for breath allowing the body to relax through restorative yoga poses that opens and relaxes the hips, sidebody, Diaphragm Psoas muscle. The class finish with a lovely guided Shavasana for grounding.
Props: 1-2 bolsters, 2 blocks, 1-3 blankets
Level: all
Teacher: Ania Lenz
Time: 73 min

The class include warming up, shoulder, sidebody and the spine, a lying down sequence stretching the hips and sidebody, a supported restorative twist and guided Shavasana (relaxation) . Enjoy.
Props: 1 bolster, 2 blocks, 1 blankets
Level: all
Teacher: Ania Lenz
Time: 68 min

Invited to pause, a releasing practice.
Yoga for the hips and spine.
Including Supta Baddha Konasana/ Sukasana, side strechting to open the chest and supported twist to ground you. The practice end with a guided Shavasana.
Teacher: Ania Lenz
Equipment: 1 bolster, 1-3 blankets, 1-2 blocks .
Time: 75 min

Yoga for the hips and spine.
A practice that invites you to rest and feel grounded. We will release and open the energy of the hips and spinal area in Supta baddha konasana and supported twist. This practice ends with a Shavasana to the sound of windchimes.
Teacher: Ania Lenz
Equipment: 1 bolster, 1-2 blankets , 1 strap, 1-2 blocks .
Time: 75 min

Yoga for the lowerback and hamstrings.
We will gently warm up to rest in childspose , supported twist and Viparita Karani.
Teacher: Ania Lenz
Equipment: 2 blocks , 1 bolster, 1-2 blankets , 1 strap or what you have.
Time: 81 min