Terms / Købsbetingelser

When enrolling as a student of Pakhus Yoga – The Yoga Space, you agree to the following studio conditions and terms:


Please arrive at least 5 minutes before class starts , so you can be ready on your mat when class start.
Please do not leave your class early unless it is for a good reason.
Please bring your own mat If you do not have a mat, you can ‘rent’ one for a fee of DKK 10

Teachers are subject to change at short notice.
Classes can be cancelled at short notice. Notifications will be given by SMS & email.
Purchase of cards and memberships can be done via a personal profile in our system.
Booking of classes is only possible with an active membership or punchcard.

Moving at Pakhus yoga is your own responsibility. You’re responsible for being in a healthy condition that makes your movement in Pakhus Yoga safe. The yoga Space/Pakhus yoga is not responsible for any injuries happening to you as a member or if you are responsible for injuring another member while being at the studio. Pakhus Yoga is not responsible for any lost personal belongings while being at the studio. By attending movement in Pakhus Yoga, you automatically agree to these studio conditions.


Valid for the regular classes in the schedule (see section)
Starts on the day of purchase and have no registration fee
You need to be a member for 3 month before you can cancel your card. We offer discounts on unlimited memberships for specific groups (see membership term)
Memberships are paid in advance each month. Billing is recurring and payment will be drawn automatically each month on the purchase date until you choose to cancel it .


The intro card gives access to all drop-in classes held in PAKHUS YOGA. The card is valid for 30 days from the date of purchase. The intro card is personal and can not be transferred to others, or shared between several people. The intro card can only be purchased once, and is reserved for new students, ie. If you have used another card, you will not be able to buy the intro card.

However, it is an all-time gift idea so you can give it to a friend who you think should try yoga! Here we refer to the purchase of gift cards or via email inquiry and mobilepay. Purchasing cards in cash or on mobilepay is still possible, but only at Ania’s classes.


Valid for 120 days (17 weeks/4 month) from the date of purchase and valid for the regular yoga classes (se section) in the schedule.
Validation period can not be extended no matter the circumstances.
Punch cards are personal and can not be shared with others.


Valid for 120 days (17 weeks/4 month) from the date of purchase and valid for the regular yoga classes (se section) in the schedule.
Validation period can not be extended no matter the circumstances.
Punch cards are personal and can not be shared with others.


Valid for 30 days from the date of purchase and valid for the regular yoga classes (se section) in the schedule.
Validation period can not be extended no matter the circumstances.
Single class card are personal and can not be handed over.


Registration is personal and the course / workshop / event cannot be passed on to someone else. There is no return policy on registered courses / workshop / event. This means that you can not get the money back or transfer it to a new period if you should be so unlucky not to be able to attend classes anyway.


The regular classes in the schedule is all classes (except Prenatal, Mom&Baby yoga, Childrens yoga, Courses, Events and Workshops )


Registration To join our classes, you must first create a profile. Once you have created an online profile and logged in, you can get an overview and sign up for classes
Check in before class. Once you have signed up for a class remember to register by checking in on the iPad in our reception when you arrive.
You must check in before the class starts. We recommend that you always arrive 15 minutes before the class starts, so you can find your place in peace and be ready when the class starts. It provides the best start for all our members and teachers.


When you do not come for class remember to cancel your booking.
You can cancel your class up to 4 hours before class starts. You cancel your class through your profil at pakhusyoga.dk – In this way, someone else can benefit from getting your spot on the class.
Cancellations done by email, SMS or social media is not valid.


Late cancellation of a booking:
for members: 25 DKK
for punch cards: the punch will be lost

No show fee (late entry equals no show)
for members: 40 DKK.
for punch cards: the punch will be lost.


The membership is for a minimum of 3 month before you can choose to cancel it.
The notice period is current month + 1 month. For example, if you are charged on August 20, and cancel your membership on May 7, you will receive the last charge from us on May 20 and can practice until June 20.
You cancel your membership by writing an email to info@pakhusyoga.dk


You can not pause you membership.


All prices are in Danish kroner.
You can pay online with dankort, visa and mastercard.

We have the right to store your billing information in our system for charges.
For memberships, we automatically withdraw the membership fee from your account.
We do not charge card-fees.

The receipt for purchases online will be send to the entered e-mail address. The customer is responsible for whether the information entered is correct.
Your payment card must be active and it must be possible to complete the enrollment amount. The payment card used for enrollments must be able to make transactions via the Internet.

Change in personal data such as name, address, email, phone number and payment card must be updated through the personal profile on Pakhus Yoga

Card datas can be updated by logging into your costumer profile on Pakhusyoga,dk. Click the “Edit” button under “My Info” to change your card details. The customer is at all times responsible for ensuring that card data is correct. If this is not complied, Pakhus Yoga /The yoga Space reserves the right to deactivate the membership without notice. The memberships is not canceled and the recurring payment still counts, but no bookings are possible until the card datas are up to date.


To attend classes at Pakhus yoga /The yoga Space you will need to be at least 15 years old.
If younger you will have to come with an adult and beforehand send a request to info@pakhusyoga.dk


When purchasing a gift card from Pakhus yoga – The yoga Space this is valid for 1 year from the date of purchase. The gift card cannot be exchanged for cash and can only be used in Pakhus Yoga. The card is not replaced in case of loss.


We do not refund yogacards, membership, courses, event, workshop or gift cards,
Only exception is if a course, event or workshop is cancelled.
Registration and card fees are non-refundable. In the event of a refund of the purchase, this may be subject to a fee.


Pakhus Yoga – The yogaStudio
Njalsgade 19 C, st
2300 Copenhagen S

The Yoga Space
Bergthorasgade 1, 3th,
2300 Copenhagen S
Cvr: 33897618

E: info@pakhusyoga.dk
M: +45 61301525


Når du køber noget hos Pakhus Yoga siger du samtidig ja til vores købs- og betalingsbetingelser. Så venligst læs dem grundigt.
Vi anbefaler at du også har gennemlæst vores retningslinjer.


Introkortet giver adgang til alle drop-in klasser afholdt i PAKHUS YOGA.
Kortet er gyldigt 30 dage fra købsdato.
Introkortet er personligt og kan ikke overdrages til andre, eller deles mellem flere personer.
Introkortet kan kun købes én gang, og er forbeholdt nye elever, dvs. har du benyttet dig af et andet kort, har du ikke mulighed for at købe introkortet.

Det er dog alletiders gaveidé, så du kan give det til en ven, som du synes skal prøve yoga!
Her henviser vi til køb af gavekort eller via mailhenvendelse og mobilepay
Køb af kort kontant eller på mobilepay er stadig muligt, men kun på Anias klasser.

Månedskort, medlemsskab

Månedskortet giver dig adgang til alle almindelige klasser på skemaet (undtagen workshops, særlige forløb som eks gravid og morbabyhold ) og du kan komme lige så mange gange om ugen, du vil.
Månedskortet er personligt og kan ikke overdrages til andre.

Du skal som minimum være medlem 3 kalender måneder
Opsigelsesfrist er løbende måned + 1 måned og sker skriftligt til info@pakhusyoga.dk

Det er ikke muligt at sætte kortet i bero.


Alle klippekort er personlige og kan ikke overdrages til andre. De har en gyldighed på 120 dage ca 4 mdr
Alle kort er aktive fra købsdatoen.
Klippekortet giver adgang til alle almindelige klasser afholdt i Pakhus Yoga i Njalsgade.


Tilmelding er personlig og kan ikke overdrages til andre.
Der kan ikke opnåes returret på tilmeldte events, ligegyldig årsag ,Undtagelser er hvis vi aflyser eventen.
Evt gebyr refunderes ikke .

Vi forbeholder os ret til at tage billeder på events og bruge dem på vores hjemmeside, Facebook og Instagram.

Faste forløb

Tilmelding er personlig og kurset kan ikke gives videre til en anden.
Der er ikke returret på tilmeldte forløb. Det betyder at du ikke kan få pengene tilbage eller overføre dem til en ny periode, hvis du skulle være så uheldig ikke at kunne deltage i undervisningen alligevel.

Nedsat pris

Er du en af nedenstående grupper og bosat i København eller Frederiksberg kommune, har du, mod dokumentation, mulighed for at få nedsat pris som medlem. Du vil ved købet på vores hjemmeside blive bedt om at udfylde en tro og loveerklæring når kommer i Pakhus Yoga første gang. Og er forpligtigtet til at fremvise dokumentation hvis det bliver efterspurgt. Kan du ikke fremskaffe denne dokumentation, forbeholder vi os retten til at opkræve differencen og ændre din tilmelding til det fulde beløb.

– modtager af su/støttemeddelelse (studiekort kan desværre ikke bruges)
– lærling med underskrevet uddannelsesaftale
– modtager af arbejdsløshedsunderstøttelse (gælder ikke, hvis du modtager barselsdagpenge eller sygedagpenge)
– kontanthjælpsmodtager
– folkepensionist
– førtidspensionist
– efterlønsmodtager


Alle priser er i danske kroner.
Vi tager forbehold for tryk- og indtastningsfejl.
På Anias klasser kan der også betales med mobilepay og kontant i yoga studiet, ellers sker betaling via pakhusyoga.dk


Når du tilmelder dig hos Pakhus Yoga siger du samtidig ja til at modtage vores nyhedsbrev. Du kan til enhver tid afmelde det.


Al træning i PAKHUS YOGA foregår på eget ansvar.

Vi forbeholder os ret til at tage billeder på yogaklasserne og bruge dem på vores hjemmeside, Facebook og Instagram.