We are open 15 min before and after classes.
You are very welcome to drop by for information and questions.
Notice that there is no entry to the reception during yoga classes as it is not separate from the yogastudio.
So have a look at the schedule for timeslots so you will find and open door.
We love to welcome you.
We are situated between Il Buco and Bootleggers with entrance from the plateau,
right next to Entrance 19D.

Vi har åbent ca. 15 min før og efter klasser, se skemaet her så du ikke går forgæves.
Yogastudiet ligger mellem Il Buco og Bootleggers med indgang fra det store plateau, midt for – der står et A skilt foran døren
Pakhus Yoga Studio
Njalsgade 19C, st. mf. (til højre for opgang 19D)
2300 Købehavn S
Mail: info@pakhusyoga.dk
Tlf : 61301525 (Ania)
Vi har indgang via plateauet mellem de to pakhuse, du kan komme op på plateauet både fra gården og ud mod Klaksvigsgade.